Advice and information on training and
careers in the sector - at transport logistic 2013
The last day of transport logistic has been designated "Future Friday" - because that´s the day when the supporting program has a special focus on careers and young professionals in the logistics industry. Organized in cooperation with the trade magazine VerkehrsRundschau, the events featured will include talks and panel discussions on career paths and opportunities in the industry. The International Exhibition for Logistics, Mobility, IT and Supply Chain Management, takes place from June 4 to 7, 2013, in Munich.
The demand for qualified professionals in technical and managerial positions in the sector is still high, although no longer so acute as in recent years. At transport logistic students and school pupils will have the chance to find out about what logistics can offer them and how to get into the industry. Importantly, too, they will be able to talk direct to the companies involved in this sector. Ahead of the show, those interested in exploring these opportunities can prearrange meetings with representatives from the human resources departments of the participating companies. Then, on Friday, June 7, these meetings take place at the booths of the exhibitors concerned. Further information on how to arrange these meetings will be on the transport logistic website from April onwards.
Many young people will be looking for advice about which training or study courses offer the best start into a career in logistics. The traditional route of first pursuing a course of study, then working, is now seen as too rigid. More flexible models, where study and work are combined, can be an attractive option. In its lecture program, VerkehrsRundschau is aiming to give initial guidance to those interested in this branch of industry. The program kicks off with a useful review of the dual education programs in logistics currently being offered in higher education, to help young people choose the right course for them. The lecturer is Professor Kai Hoffmann, Director of the Logistics School at the Europäische Fernhochschule Hamburg, a university offering correspondence degree courses.
This is followed by a panel discussion on "Careers in logistics: Opportunities and limitations of a dual education program". Taking part in the panel are: Bernhard Simon, Management Spokesman, Dachser GmbH & Co. KG; Dr. Michael Krings, Managing Director, Douglas Logistik; Dr. Thorsten Klaas-Wissing, Vice-Director and Course Director of the Diploma in Logistics Management degree course at St. Gallen University; and Professor Kai Hoffmann.
Professional development and in-service training in intralogistics is the focus of a lecture organized by the German engineering association VDMA (Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau e.V.) entitled "Intra-what? Intralogistics - Career chances and prospects in an exciting future-oriented sector".
Source: Messe München